At this very point of time, the Lord asked Loren, "Loren, will you still serve me?" What a question to ask at this juncture I thought to myself. And the thoughts of how I would react flooded my mind. Would I just brush the question away? Would I just leave God? Would I just not want to serve the Lord anymore? It was really a tough question to answer especially when I know God has taken someone so dear to me away.
God brou

#1: Turns failure into FRUITFULNESS - there is great gain
#2: Turns frustration into FRESHNESS - there is gladness
#3: Turns fear into FAME - there is glory
I saw these 3 points so evident in Loren's life. At the point of time when Loren had lost his life and also his all, he still answered the Lord, "Yes, I'll serve You. I have nothing left except my life... and You can have that too..." Here stood a man who understood the blessings of the Cross and the blood of the crown. Though there was a sense of despair, but Loren still chose the Lord despite all that has happen. I can only marvel at how much Loren understood God and trusted in Him. There was a sense of gain, gladness and glory Loren carried with him at that time when he was with the Lord despite the circumstances around. And I totally believe because Loren chose to put the Lord first, the Lord honoured that and saved Darlene by His miraculous way. The Lord has indeed turned every negative situation at that very point of time into something that was for more worthwhile. As I read and reflected, I know there is power that God can release when we lay down our rights. Loren said in his book, until the moment he thought he'd lost everything, he never realized that nothing in this life actually belongs to him.
When I surrender my personal rights to the Lord, for His sake and the sake of the gospel, I can discover the secret of inheriting the whole world for Him.
God, bring me to understand a deeper measure of the blood of the crown and teach me to serve You not based on circumstances around me, but based on my conviction for You in my life. :)